You're only one massage away from a good mood!

Massage is a type of bodywork practice where a licensed therapist will use a series of manual techniques and manipulations to alleviate muscle tension and pain. Massage also promotes proper blood flow, lymphatic circulation and drainage which are essential to help the body recover especially after an awesome workout!

Here are some of the modalities we offer:

  • Swedish massage: for relaxing and reducing anxiety and stress.

  • Deep tissue: for targeting trouble areas with deep pressure to alleviate muscle tension and soreness.

  • Prenatal Massage: for soon-to-be mom’s that are looking for a little TLC during their pregnancy journey.

For a full list of services and more information, please visit:

Hi! My name is Liliet Taboada. My family is originally from Cuba, but I was born and raised in Florida where I spent a lot of my free time at the beach, exercising, biking, catching beautiful sunrises, and helping out in my community through volunteer work. Through my years of volunteering, I realized that I really enjoy working and helping others. This is what led me to pursue massage therapy as a profession. Because it gives me the opportunity to help others that are experiencing physical pain, stress, and other health challenges. Massage has endless benefits and I love being able to share them with clients! I have been a licensed therapist for over four years, and I continue to enhance my knowledge and skills in the profession by being up to date with the best and most effective techniques to bring the best care to my clients in my new home in Somerset Kentucky. I am very excited and grateful for the opportunity to help all of you achieve your goals in your wellness journey through massage.

When I am not in the studio, you can find me painting, hiking through some of the beautiful Kentucky trails, volunteering in the community, and spending time with my family.

To make an appointment with Liliet or if you have questions, please contact her:

(606) 341-4246